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Soy Hull is a main ingredient in the Matsters hard wood oak sawdust substrate commonly used for growing beautiful flushes of Oyster and other Gourmet Mushrooms. 


Dry Matter89 %
Protein12.4 %
Oil2.4 %
Fibre35 %
Ash4.5 %


To make a mix with roughly 63% moisture content, please use the following recipie.

This method will also pasteurise the ingredients for use with oyster mushroom spawn. 


Wrap a 10-20L bucket in a thick blanket and add the following ingredients.


1kg Oak Hardwood Sawdust. 

1kg Soy Hull.

2L boiling water.


Place a lid on the bucket and leave for 24 hours. 

When cool, you may mix the ingredients well and use straight away.



20kg sack of Soy Hull Pellets

SKU: SKU 003156
Excluding VAT

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